Welcome to Family of YAH!
A Set-Apart Hebrew Congregation
in Bowman, South Carolina
We're an assembly of worshipers who serve YAHUAH, the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth. We're here to help you gain a better understanding of YAHUAH and His Torah and to guide you on the path of righteousness. Together, we'll follow the path of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob to live a life pleasing to the Almighty and be blessed with life and peace.
We'll be blessed to be a blessing!
"Seek YH and Live!"
What's Next?

Join Us for Shabbat
We have Sabbath services at 10:00 am Sat. mornings. Join us for prayer, praise, and a soul-strengthening message.

Learn More
Perhaps, all this is new to you. Start your journey by learning more about YAHUAH, His Torah, and the set-apart Hebrew belief.

Ask for Prayer
Whatever you need, we're here to pray for you. Send us a prayer request, or ask us about a personal prayer meeting.
Listen to Shabbat Service:
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Study This Week's Parsha:
Bereshith/Genesis 28:10 - 32:2
Hoshea 12:12 - 14:9
On Ya'aqob's way to Haran, he has a dream of a ladder reaching heaven with messengers going up and down. In Haran, he marries Leah and Rachel, has 11 sons and one daughter, and prospers greatly before deciding to return home after 20 years.
To view/download/print our Daily & Shabbat Scripture Readings Calendar: