Welcome to
Come...Seek YH and Live!
Shalom! Thank you for visiting Family of Messiah online!
We are here to help you seek YAHUAH and live! Every day we spend on earth without connecting to our Creator is a day not truly lived.
Family of Messiah is here to help you live! We will show you how to connect to your Source of Life - YAHUAH, the Maker & Creator of all things - and how to develop a deeper, stronger, more intimate relationship with Him.
We will guide you along the path of truth, where the good way is, so you can find rest for your being. We will help rescue you from death and bring life to your soul so you no longer simply exist, but live a life of joy, peace, strength, rest, love, healing, protection, and provision.
We're here to help you gain a better understanding of YAHUAH and His Torah and to guide you on the path of righteousness. Together, we'll follow the path of our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob to live a life pleasing to the Almighty and be blessed with life and peace. We'll be blessed to be a blessing!
We invite you to learn more on this site, get in touch with us, and if you happen to live near Summerville, SC, join us for worship! We look forward to taking this spiritual journey with you. Shalom!

A little more
Our Congregation
We're a set-apart assembly of worshipers who wholeheartedly serve יהוה [YAHUAH], the Maker of the Heavens and the Earth.
We're Yahudim, worshipers of YAH, who acknowledge His Sovereignty and humbly submit to Him.
​We're a Noahide community - an assembly of gentiles (non-Jews) who have accepted the Seven Laws of Noah in Covenant with the Almighty YAHUAH. We follow the set-apart Hebrew belief based in the Tanakh (Law, Prophets, & Writings) alone.
We're shomer mitzvot (Torah-observant). We observe the seventh-day Sabbath, the set-apart days and festivals of the Scriptures, and try our best to keep the commandments given by the Almighty. (Lev. 23; Ex. 20:1-17).
We stand shoulder to shoulder in unity with the Jewish people (Zeph. 3:9).
We're a House of Prayer for all peoples, regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality (Yesh/Is. 56:7). We're a small yet diverse congregation, and we're connected with believers from all around the world. Everyone is welcome to come, seek YAHUAH, in truth and worship Him.
We're an assembly built on love and kindness: love for YAHUAH, love for our neighbor, and kindness towards all.
We're not perfect, nor do we expect anyone else to be. We're simply trying our best to do YAH's will.

Our Beliefs
We Believe...
YAHUAH is Maker of the heavens and earth - there is none else (Deut. 4:39). The Name of the Almighty has been replaced with the words 'God' and 'Lord,' and now it is our duty to make His Name known "so that all the peoples of the earth might know that יהוה is Elohim, there is no one else" (1Kings 8:60). We all must come to call upon, thank, and praise His Name with esteem, respect, and honor.
The Mashiach was brought forth at the beginning of Creation to do works of salvation and deliverance for all who turn to YAHUAH in sincere repentance. He works continuously in the spiritual realm, and at times of great distress on the entire nation of Yisrael, the spirit of Mashiach descends upon a chosen individual to carry out the great work of national salvation. At the end of the age, Mashiach will manifest fully to bring about the complete and final redemption of YAH’s people. (He is not the Christ of the New Testament.)
The Torah is the instructions for all mankind, teaching us how to serve YAHUAH and be at peace with one another. The Torah contains the details of the Everlasting Covenant between man and Elohim. Salvation, deliverance, forgiveness, and atonement come through entrance into the Covenant and obedience to the terms of the Covenant (the commandments). "He who guards the command guards his life, He who despises His ways dies." (Prov. 19:16)
Our Vision

- To Nurture the World toward
Set-Apartness (kiruv) -
We labor to bring people to a greater understanding of the Most High יהוה and His commandments. We strive to bring people into (or back to) the Covenant of Elohim. This is the work of kiruv, drawing others close to יהוה, so they will walk in the way of set-apartness and the world will tend toward set-apartness (Yesh/Is. 30:21; 35:8). We lead the effort for the global conversion of mankind, to lead many to righteousness, so that they may be pleasing to Elohim and be blessed with life and good life and their sufferings and distresses cease (Dan. 12:3).

- Repairing the World and the Preservation of Life
(Tikkun Olam & Pikuach Nefesh) -
We are in the last days, and the distresses on the earth will increase. Only obedience to the commands of Elohim will spare one from the judgment upon the earth. Our aim is to save as many lives as possible in the end of days and to stop the judgment happening every day in individual lives. In nurturing the world toward set-apartness, we will accomplish tikkun olam, repairing the world, to bring about a time of peace, prosperity, health, and right-ruling for all.

- Spread the Knowledge of Elohim throughout the World -
We operate as a House of Prayer for all people (Yesh/Is. 56:7). From this House, the knowledge of Elohim will spread throughout the world drawing all men to Elohim, and thus, saving their lives. Our mission will be accomplished through the following efforts:
Prayer (our service to Elohim and a kindness toward others)
Proclaiming the Set-Apart Name of יהוה and knowledge of the True Mashiach יהושה
Teaching Torah (the commandments of Elohim)
Acts of kindness (gemilut chasidim)
Righteous, charitable giving (tzedakah)

How It All Started
Family of Messiah YahuShuah Assembly was established in 1999 by Michael & Ruth Dunn who serve as priests and elders of the Assembly. Their spiritual journey seeking the Heavenly Father led them from Christianity to Messianic Judaism to the set-apart Hebrew belief. Their entire lives have been dedicated to helping others and serving YAH, and the ministry was just a natural outgrowth of their life's journey.
Our Story
Our People

Michael Dunn
"Shalom. I almost became a Catholic priest, but YAH led me to become His set-apart priest teaching Torah. Want to learn more about YAH? Let's grab a coffee and chat."

Ruth Dunn
Spiritual Leader
"Hello. I love YAH, and I love people. It is my duty to be a spiritual nurse and assist the Master in healing and deliverance for all. Need prayer? Give me a call."

Elisheva Mason
Teacher / Web Editor
"Hi. Torah is my favorite subject. Got questions? I'll find answers."

Aliyah Green
Hospitality Coordinator & Supporter Extraordinaire
"Hi. I like everyone to feel welcome. Come for a visit and get to know us. I can't wait to meet you!"

Yosef Dunn
Synagogue Assistant
"Hi. Need help with something, just let me know."
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 50884
Summerville, SC 29485
Shabbat Worship Service
Sat 10:00am
Office Hours
Mon - Thur 12:00 - 6:00pm
Fri 12:00 - 3:00pm
908 Bacons Bridge Rd, Suite 19
Summerville, SC 29485