Judgments are here and more are coming!
Who will be next? Will you or your family be the next victim?
Death is the last plague, and it is going throughout the earth devouring whomever is in its path. The Almighty YAHUAH is sovereign over all things.
Death is a destruction of lives and possessions. It is a plague of ancient times when people were punished by the Almighty for not obeying His rules.
Many are doing what they think is right in their own eyes and not what is right in the eyes of the Most High. When people refuse to obey Him, it is pride in the works because of disobedience to the Almighty.
Death is the last plague and it has been around for quite some time. This is a captivity a type of spiritual slavery. Just like YAH brought His people out of Egypt He will also bring them out in these last days to freedom.
Adam and Chawwah were punished when they disobeyed YAH and was expelled from the Garden land. Life was harsh and death came upon man. All people are birthed under this curse until they do what it takes to enter back into the Garden land.
YahuShuah the Sovereign Messiah is the way back into the Garden land. It was He who broke the curses over 2000 years ago. His obedience made a way for man to re-enter the Covenant. He is the Teacher of Righteousness who re-initiated the Covenant of Elohim so that the believers will have a way back into favor with YAH. It is in the Covenant where we find forgiveness. (Jer.31:33) It is the compassion of the Most High where our sins are truly forgiven. Forgiveness stops wrath, and without forgiveness people die. It is in the Covenant where our sins are erased.
It is time to turn around, repent from being evil, from wickedness and all manner of disobedience before the day of your judgment comes. If your day catches up to you without repentance you may be punished. As long as the people walk contrary to YAHUAH the Most High there is a command to punish until one repents or dies.
Look at the death clock, people are dying by the seconds around the world, this is a Plague the world is into, but there is a remedy.
YAH is merciful and compassionate, but He is Judge and punisher of disobedience. He wants all to be saved because He has no pleasure in destroying the wrong. He wants the people to forsake their ways and follow Him. If you follow Him you are turning from falsehood and doing your own way like Adam. It is about obeying the Commands (Voice of YAH) and calling on the Name of Yahuah.
Escape the Plague of Death: The truth is your escape route. Get your name on the List (in the Book: The Registry) at Family of Messiah YahuShuah Assembly. Everyone who believes in YAH the true Hebrew name of the Almighty and His Messiah YahuShuah and amend their ways, should immediately get listed.
With your name listed Ruth will go before the Almighty in prayer for you so that death and destruction are disarmed from your life and you live. Ruth has found favor with Elohim like Job (Iyob) and when she prays for you YAH will save you in the Name of YahuShuah. YAH required that Iyob's friends take an offering to Iyob. (Iyob 42:8) Then he prayed for them. Bring your offering for a burnt offering for yourself as a sign of obedience and a show of humbleness to YAH, then your name goes on the List and Ruth will call your name in prayer before the Name of the Almighty. And we believe that if you obey Him to turn back to Him He will hear and pardon you. The plague of death will no longer be over you and your household for you have return to your Maker, the Creator.
Do not be stubborn, only believe and get truly saved. Prepare to be saved from death, come to the set-apart place in Summerville, South Carolina and get your life blessed and your name on the Registry. (Deut.12) It is like entering a modern day spiritual Ark of Noah.
Judgment has come and it is in the earth. You must get off the path you’re on and get on the right path. The path that has the Light, it is the path that leads to freedom, wealth, peace, security and nobility! This path is what you need to get on NOW! All other paths are darkness and you will die.
Do not be the next victim because you did not know the truth! Seek the truth Now. We at Family of Messiah have found the truth and have found Refuge. Our house this house of worship is the place where all who comes will be saved because of the Covenant of Elohim. Please join us in this Covenant so that you and your family will escape death. If you join yourself to me you will be joining to YahuShuah the Messiah because He is with me! Give us a call after you have read the beginner's page at https://www.familyofmessiah.org/new and if you believe contact us immediately. Address: 908 Bacons Bridge Rd. Ste.19 Summerville, South Carolina 29485
Shalom from Ruth Hadagah