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50 Days of Mitzvot - Counting the Omer

Daily Learning & Studying the 613 Commandments of the Torah from Passover to the Festival of Weeks

"And from the morrow after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, you shall count for yourselves: seven completed Sabbaths. Until the morrow after the seventh Sabbath you count fifty days, then you shall bring a new grain offering to יהוה." (Wayy/Lev. 23:15-16)

"Count seven weeks for yourself. Begin to count seven weeks from the time you begin to put the sickle to the grain." (Deb/Deut. 16:9)

From Pesach to Shavuot (Passover to the Festival of Weeks), we count 50 days. This is the time of Counting the Omer.

These 50 days from Pesach to Shavuot correspond to the time Yisrael spent in the wilderness traveling to Mt. Sinai, from the time they were set free from slavery in Mitsrayim (Egypt) to the giving of the Torah at Sinai. For these 50 days, YAHUAH prepared His people to receive His Torah.

As we observe the time of counting the omer, we too prepare ourselves for receiving the Torah. In 2021, Elohim revealed to us that we should prepare ourselves by daily reading and studying His mitzvot (commandments).

There are 613 mitzvot in the Torah, so each day until Shavuot we will read and study 12 to 13 commandments. This will prepare us for Shavuot when we receive the Torah anew.

Below the 613 mitzvot are divided up into daily portions. Each day, simply read the list of mitzvot. For added benefit, look up and study the referenced verse.

The verse format is (book : chapter : verse). For example, 3:19:9 is Bemidbar/Numbers chapter 19, verse 9; Bemidbar being the third book of the Torah (Bem/Num. 19:9).

You can download and print the file below or just keep this page marked on your browser. The calendar will help you keep track of the days.


Daily Learning & Studying the 613 Commandments of the Torah

from Passover to the Festival of Weeks

Day 1

         1.         Procreation-“Be fruitful and multiply” (1:1:28)

         2.         Circumcision (1:17:10)

         3.         Not to eat the thigh muscle (1:32:33)

         4.         To sanctify the new month (2:12:2)

         5.         To slay the Paschal Lamb (2:12:6)

         6.         To eat the Paschal Lamb on the night of Passover (2:12:8)

         7.         Not to eat the Paschal Lamb under-roasted or boiled (2:12:9)

         8.         Not to leave over any of the flesh of the Paschal Lamb to the next day (2:12:10)

         9.         To remove the leavened bread from our dwellings on the 14th day of Nissan (2:12:15)

       10.       To eat the unleavened bread (Matzah) on the 15th day of Nissan (Passover night) (2:12:18)

       11.       Not to have leavened bread in our possession during Passover (2:12:19)

       12.       Not to eat anything which has leaven in it during Passover (2:12:20)

       13.       Not to let an Apostate eat of the Passover offering (2:12:43)

Day 2

       13.       Not to let an Apostate eat of the Passover offering (2:12:43)

       14.       Not to let a foreign resident or hired servant eat of the Passover offering (2:12:45)

       15.       Not to take any of the flesh of the Passover offering outside of the home (2:12:46)

       16.       Not to break any bone of the Passover offering (2:12:46)

       17.       Not to let any uncircumcised male eat of the Passover offering (2:12:48)

       18.       To sanctify the firstborn both man and beast in the land of Israel (2:13:2)

       19.       Not to eat leavened bread on Passover (2:13:3)

       20.       Not to let any leaven within our borders during Passover (2:13:7)

       21.       To recount the Exodus from Egypt on the first night of Passover (2:13:8)

       22.       To redeem a firstborn donkey (2:13:13)

       23.       To break the neck of an unredeemed first born donkey (2:13:13)

       24.       Not to go beyond the permitted boundaries on the Sabbath (2:16:29)

       25.       To believe in Elohim (2:20:2)

Day 3

       25.       To believe in Elohim (2:20:2)

       26.       To believe in no divinity other than the Eternal Elohim (2:20:3)

       27.       Not to make a graven image (2:20:4)

       28.       Not to prostrate oneself in idol-worship (2:20:5)

       29.       Not to worship an idol in the way that it is worshipped (2:20:5)

       30.       Not to take the name of the Elohim (swear) in vain (2:20:7)

       31.       To remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy (2:20:8)

       32.       Not to do any work on the Sabbath (2:20:10)

       33.       To honor one’s father and mother (2:20:12)

       34.       Not to kill (2:20:13)

       35.       Not to commit adultery (2:20:14)

       36.       Not to steal (not to kidnap a Jewish person) (2:20:13), (5:24:7), (2:21:16)

       37.       Not to bear false witness (2:20:13)

Day 4

       37.       Not to bear false witness (2:20:13)

       38.       Not to covet another’s possessions (2:20:14)

       39.       Not to make a human form even for decorative purposes (2:20:20)

       40.       Not to build an altar of hewn stones (2:20:23)

       41.       Not to go up by steps to the altar (2:20:23)

       42.       To abide by the laws of the Hebrew servant (2:21:2)

       43.       To designate the Hebrew maidservant for betrothal (2:21:8)

       44.       To redeem a Hebrew maidservant (2:21:8)

       45.       The one who buys a Hebrew maidservant may not sell her (2:21:8)

       46.       Not to withhold the rights due to one’s wife (2:21:9)

       47.       To put to death by strangulation, a man who commits an act for which strangulation is the prescribed penalty (2:21:12)

       48.       Not to strike one’s father or mother (2:21:15)

       49.       To execute the laws of fines (2:21:18), (3:24:19)

Day 5

       49.       To execute the laws of fines (2:21:18), (3:24:19)

       50.       To put to death by decapitation a man who commits an act for which decapitation is the prescribed penalty (2:21:20)

       51.       To judge damages by domestic animals (2:21:28)

       52.       Not to eat the flesh of any animal which is sentenced to death by stoning (2:21:28)

       53.       To judge damages by a pit (2:21:33)

       54.       To impose proper payment by a thief (2:21:37)

       55.       To judge damages caused by domestic animals grazing or trampling (2:22:4)

       56.       To judge damage by fire (2:22:5)

       57.       To judge cases involving an unpaid watchman (2:22:6)

       58.       To judge the case of a plaintiff and a defendant (2:22:8)

       59.       To judge cases involving one who borrows an object for use (2:22:13)

       60.       To judge cases involving a paid watchman or one who leases (2:22:9)

       61.       To judge the case of a seducer (2:22:15)

Day 6

       61.       To judge the case of a seducer (2:22:15)

       62.       Not to let a witch live (2:22:17)

       63.       Not to offend the stranger (2:22:20)

       64.       Not to oppress the stranger in matters of monetary value (2:22:20)

       65.       Not to afflict the orphan and the widow (2:22:21)

       66.       To lend money to the poor (2:22:24)

       67.       Not to be demanding of a poor man unable to pay his debt (2:22:24)

       68.       Not to have any business with a loan made at interest (2:22:24)

       69.       Not to curse a judge (2:22:27)

       70.       Not to curse Elohim (blasphemy) (2:22:27), (3:24:16)

       71.       Not to curse a ruler of your people (2:22:27)

       72.       Not to separate from produce in improper order (2:22:28)

       73.       Not to eat the flesh of an animal torn by beasts (2:22:30)

Day 7

       73.       Not to eat the flesh of an animal torn by beasts (2:22:30)

       74.       Not to hear a litigant in court when his opponent is absent (2:23:1)

       75.       A sinner should not give testimony (2:23:1)

       76.       Not to follow a majority of one in a capital case (2:23:2)

       77.       One judge should not blindly follow the view of a greater judge or of the majority (2:23:2)

       78.       To follow the majority in legal decisions (2:23:2)

       79.       Not to take pity on a poor man in judgment (2:23:3)

       80.       To help unload another person’s burden (2:23:5)

       81.       Not to pervert justice for a sinner (2:23:6)

       82.       Not to decide a capital case on probability (2:23:7)

       83.       A judge is not to take a bribe (2:23:8), (5:27:25)

       84.       To leave ownerless all that the land will grow in the seventh year (shmittah) (2:23:11)

       85.       To rest on the Sabbath day (2:23:12)

Day 8

       85.       To rest on the Sabbath day (2:23:12)

       86.       Not to swear by an idol (2:23:13)

       87.       Not to lead Israelites astray into idolatry (2:23:13)

       88.       To celebrate the pilgrimage festivals (2:23:14)

       89.       Not to slay the Paschal lamb while there is leaven in our possession (2:23:18)

       90.       Not to let the fat of the Paschal sacrifice remain overnight (2::18)

       91.       To bring the first-fruits to the Holy Temple (2:23:19)

       92.       Not to cook meat in milk (2:23:19)

       93.       Not to make a treaty with the seven nations to be extirpated, or with any idol-worshipper

       94.       Not to have idol-worshippers settle in our land (2:23:33)

       95.       To build the Holy Temple (2:25:8)

       96.       Not to remove the poles of the ark from it (2:25:15)

       97.       To arrange the show-bread on the table (2:25:30)

Day 9

       97.       To arrange the show-bread on the table (2:25:30)

       98.       To kindle the menorah in the sanctuary (2:27:21)

       99.       For the Kohanim (priests) to wear special clothing (2:28:4)

     100.     That the breastplate not come loose from the ephod (2:28:28)

     101.     Not to rend the meil of the Kohanim (priests) (2:28:32)

     102.     For the Kohanim (priests) to eat the flesh of the sin-offering and of the guilt-offering (2:29:33)

     103.     To burn incense (2:30:7)

     104.     Not to offer up anything strange on the altar of gold (2:30:9)

     105.     To give one-half shekel every year (2:30:13)

     106.     To wash the hands and feet every time the Kohen enters the Temple to do his service (2:30:19), (2:30:20)

     107.     To make the anointing oil (2:30:25)

     108.     Not to anoint a common man with the anointing oil (2:30:32)

     109.     Not to make anointing oil according to the description in the Torah (2:30:32)

Day 10

     109.     Not to make anointing oil according to the description in the Torah (2:30:32)

     110.     Not to make incense according to the description in the Torah (2:30:37)

     111.     Not to eat or drink of anything that has been offered up to an idol (2:34:12), (2:34:15)

     112.     To let the land lie fallow in the seventh year (shmittah) (2:34:21), (3:25:5)

     113.     Not to eat meat and milk that were cooked together(2:34:26)

     114.     Not to carry out judgments on the Sabbath day (2:35:3)

     115.     To sacrifice the burnt-offering according to its laws (3:1:3)

     116.     To perform the meal-offering as it is mentioned in the Torah (3:2:1)

     117.     Not to offer up leaven or honey (3:2:11)

     118.     Not to offer up a sacrifice without salt (3:2:13)

     119.     To salt all offerings (3:2:13)

     120.     For the high court (Sanhedrin) To bring an offering if it erred in a ruling (3:4:13)

     121.     For an inadvertent transgressor to bring a sin-offering for certain sins (3:4:27)

Day 11

     121.     For an inadvertent transgressor to bring a sin-offering for certain sins (3:4:27)

     122.     To bear witness in court (3:5:1)

     123.     To bring a guilt-offering of greater or lesser value for certain sins (3:5:6)

     124.     Not to separate the head of a bird brought as a sin-offering (3:5:8)

     125.     Not to put olive-oil in an unintentional sinner’s meal-offering (3:5:11)

     126.     Not to put frankincense in an unintentional simmer’s meal offering (3:5:11)

     127.     To add 1/5 of the value in paying for sanctified food that was eaten (3:5:16)

     128.     To offer a suspended guilt-offering for doubtful guilt (3:5:17), (3:5:18)

     129.     To offer a certain guilt-offering for definite guilt (3:5:23), (3:5:24), (3:5:25)

     130.     To return property taken in robbery (3:5:23)

     131.     To remove the ash from the altar (3:6:3)

     132.     To kindle the fire on the altar (3:6:6)

     133.     Not to extinguish fire on the altar (3:6:6)

Day 12

     133.     Not to extinguish fire on the altar (3:6:6)

     134.     To eat the remainders of meal-offerings (3:6:9)

     135.     Not to make the remainders of meal-offerings become leavened (3:6:10)

     136.     The Kohen Gadol should bring a meal-offering twice a day (3:6:13)

     137.     The meal-offering of a Kohen should not be eaten (3:6:16)

     138.     The precept of the sacrifice of the hattath (3:6:18)

     139.     Not to eat of any hattath whose blood is sprinkled within (3:6:23)

     140.     The precept of the sacrifice of the ‘asham (3:7:1)

     141.     The precept of the sacrifice of sh’lamim (3:7:1)

     142.     Not to let the flesh of a todah be left over (3:7:15)

     143.     The precept of burning leftover remnants of sacred offerings (3:7:17)

     144.     The prohibition against piggul, “vile meat” (3:7:18)

     145.     That the flesh of defiled holy offerings is not to be eaten (3:7:19)

Day 13

     145.     That the flesh of defiled holy offerings is not to be eaten (3:7:19)

     146.     The precept of burning hallowed flesh that became defiled (3:7:19)

     147.     Not to eat helev, forbidden animal fat (3:7:23)

     148.     That we should not eat the blood of any beast or fowl (3:7:26)

     149.     The kohanim may not enter the holy temple with hair grown long (3:10:6)

     150.     The kohanim are not to enter the holy temple in torn clothing (3:10:6)

     151.     The kohanim are not to leave the Temple during their sacred service (3:10:7)

     152.     After drinking wine a Kohen should not enter the Sanctuary, and no one is to give a ruling (3:10:9)

     153.     To examine the signs of animals which determine if they are kosher (3:11:2)

     154.     The prohibition against eating any non-kosher animal (3:11:4)

     155.     The precept of examining the signs of fish to see if they are kosher (3:11:9)

     156.     The prohibition against eating non-kosher species of fish (3:11:11)

     157.     The prohibition against eating non-kosher species of fowl (3:11:13)

Day 14

     157.     The prohibition against eating non-kosher species of fowl (3:11:13)

     158.     The precept of examining the signs of locusts, if they are kosher (3:11:21)

     159.     The ritual uncleanness of eight low crawling creatures (3:11:29)

     160.     The precept of the ritual uncleanness of food(3:11:34)

     161.     The precept of the ritual uncleanness of animal carcasses (3:11:39)

     162.     The prohibition against eating creatures that swarm on the earth (3:11:41)

     163.     The prohibition against eating minute insects engendered in grains and fruits (3:11:42)

     164.     The prohibition against eating creatures that swarm in the water (3:11:43)

     165.     The prohibition against eating swarming creatures engendered in decay (3:11:44)

     166.     The precept about the ritual uncleanness of a woman after childbearing (3:12:2), (3:12:5)

     167.     A ritually unclean person is not to eat meat of holy sacrifices (3:12:4)

     168.     The precept of a woman’s offering after giving birth (3:12:6)

     169.     The precept regarding the ritual uncleanness of a m’tzora (3:13:2)

Day 15

     169.     The precept regarding the ritual uncleanness of a m’tzora (3:13:2)

     170.     The prohibition against shaving the area of a nethek (3:13:33)

     171.     That one with a tzara’ath condition, et al. should rend his clothes (3:13:45)

     172.     The precept of tzara’ath in cloth (3:13:47)

     173.     The precept that ritual cleansing from tzara’ath affliction should be through certain ingredients (3:14:2)

     174.     The shaving of a healed m’tzora on the seventh day (3:14:9)

     175.     The precept of ritual immersion for cleansing the defiled (3:14:9)

     176.     The precept of the offering of a m’tzora, when he is healed (3:14:10)

     177.     The ritual uncleanness of a house contaminated with tzara’ath infection (3:14:34)

     178.     On the ritual uncleanness of a man with a gonorrheal discharge (3:15:2)

     179.     On the offering by a man with gonorrheal discharge, when he is healed (3:15:13)

     180.     On the ritual uncleanness of seminal fluid (3:15:16)

     181.     The precept of the ritual uncleanness of a menstruant (3:15:19)

Day 16

     181.     The precept of the ritual uncleanness of a menstruant (3:15:19)

     182.     On the ritual uncleanness of a woman with an irregular discharge (3:15:25)

     183.     On the offering by a woman with an irregular discharge, when she recovers (3:15:28)

     184.     That the kohanim should enter the inner Sanctuary only for the Temple service (3:16:2)

     185.     The precept of the Temple service on the Day of Atonement (3:16:3)

     186.     Not to ritually slay holy offerings outside the Sanctuary forecourt (3:17:3)

     187.     The precept of covering the blood in the ritual slaying of an animal (3:17:13)

     188.     The prohibition of pleasure with any woman ranked as ‘ervah (3:18:6)

     189.     The prohibition on uncovering the nakedness of one’s father (3:18:7)

     190.     The prohibition on uncovering one’s mother’s nakedness (3:18:7)

     191.     The prohibition on conjugal intimacy with one’s father’s wife even if she is not his mother (3:18:8)

     192.     Not to uncover a sister’s nakedness, if she is one’s sister in any way (3:18:9)

     193.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with the daughter of a son (3:18:10)

Day 17

     193.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with the daughter of a son (3:18:10)

     194.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with a daughter’s daughter (3:18:10)

     195.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with a daughter (3:18:10)

     196.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with a sister on the father’s side who is the father’s wife’s daughter (3:18:11)

     197.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with a father’s sister (3:18:12)

     198.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with a mother’s sister (3:18:13)

     199.     The prohibition of carnal relations with a father’s brother (3:18:14)

     200.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with the wife of a father’s brother (3:18:14)

     201.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with the wife of a son(3:18:15)

     202.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with a brother’s wife (3:18:16)

     203.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with both a woman and her daughter (3:18:17)

     204.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with both a woman and her son’s daughter (3:18:17)

     205.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with both a woman and her daughter’s daughter (3:18:17)

Day 18

     205.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with both a woman and her daughter’s daughter (3:18:17)

     206.     The prohibition of conjugal relations with two sisters while both are alive (3:18:18)

     207.     The prohibition of conjugal intimacy with a menstruous woman (3:18:19)

     208.     Not to give any of our children to the idol Molech (3:18:21)

     209.     The prohibition of carnal relations with any males (3:18:22)

     210.     The prohibition of carnal relations with animals (3:18:23)

     211.     The prohibition of carnal intimacy by a woman with an animal (3:18:23)

     212.     The mitzvah of reverence for father and mother (3:19:3)

     213.     Not to turn astray after idol-worship in thought or word (3:19:4)

     214.     To make no idol, for oneself or for anyone else (3:19:4)

     215.     The prohibition of eating left-over meat or sacrifices (3:19:6)

     216.     The mitzvah of leaving an edge of one’s field unreaped, for the poor (3:19:10)

     217.     Not to reap the very last end of one’s field (3:19:9)

Day 19

     217.     Not to reap the very last end of one’s field (3:19:9)

     218.     The precept of leaving the gleanings of the harvest for the poor (3:19:10)

     219.     Not to gather stalks of grain that fell away during the harvest (3:19:9)

     220.     The precept of leaving the gleanings of the harvest for the poor (3:19:10)

     221.     The prohibition of reaping absolutely all the fruit of a vineyard (3:19:10)

     222.     The precept of leaving fallen grapes in a vineyard, for the poor (3:19:10)

     223.     The prohibition of gathering the fallen grapes in a vineyard (3:19:10)

     224.     The prohibition on the theft of anything of value (3:19:11)

     225.     Not to deny it when something of value that belongs to another is in our possession (3:19:11)

     226.     Not to swear over a false denial about something of value (3:19:11)

     227.     The prohibition against swearing falsely (3:19:12)

     228.     Not to withhold another person’s property wrongly (3:19:13)

     229.     The prohibition against committing robbery (3:19:13)

Day 20

     229.     The prohibition against committing robbery (3:19:13)

     230.     That payment of a hired man is not to be delayed (3:19:13)

     231.     The prohibition on cursing any Jew, man or woman (3:19:14)

     232.     Not to make a trusting person stumble through misleading advice (3:19:14)

     233.     Not to pervert justice in a civil judgment (3:19:15)

     234.     Not to honor an eminent person at a trial (3:19:15)

     235.     The precept that a judge should render judgment with righteousness (3:19:15)

     236.     The prohibition on gossiping slanderously (3:19:16)

     237.     Not to stand idly by when someone’s blood is shed (3:19:16)

     238.     The prohibition against hating one’s brethren (3:19:17)

     239.     The religious duty to rebuke a fellow-Jew for improper behavior (3:19:17)

     240.     The prohibition against shaming a Jew (3:19:17)

     241.     The prohibition against taking revenge (3:19:18)

Day 21

     241.     The prohibition against taking revenge (3:19:18)

     242.     The prohibition against bearing a grudge (3:19:18)

     243.     The precept of affection for a fellow-Jew (3:19:18)

     244.     The prohibition on mating two animals of different species (3:19:19)

     245.     Not to sow different kinds of seed together, ect. In the land of Israel (3:19:19)

     246.     Not to eat the first three years’ produce of a tree (3:19:23)

     247.     The precept of the fruit of a tree’s fourth year (3:19:23)

     248.     Not to eat or drink in the manner of a glutton or drunkard (3:19:26)

     249.     The prohibition against practicing augury (3:19:26)

     250.     The prohibition against the practice of conjuring (3:19:26)

     251.     The prohibition against rounding off the temples of the head (3:19:27)

     252.     The prohibition against marring the edges of the beard (3:19:27)

     253.     The prohibition against inscribing any tattoo in one’s flesh (3:19:28)

Day 22

     253.     The prohibition against inscribing any tattoo in one’s flesh (3:19:28)

     254.     The precept of reverent awe for the Sanctuary (3:19:30)

     255.     The prohibition against acting as an ‘ov—a medium (3:19:31)

     256.     Not to function as a yid’oni, a kind of wizard (3:19:31)

     257.     The mitzvah of honoring wise scholars (3:19:32)

     258.     The prohibition against cheating with any kind of measure (3:19:35)

     259.     The precept that scales, weights and measures should be made correct (3:19:36)

     260.     The prohibition against cursing one’s father or mother (3:20:9)

     261.     The precept that whoever incurs death by burning is to be burned (3:20:14)

     262.     The prohibition against following customer and ways of the Amorites (3:20:23)

     263.     An ordinary Kohen should make himself ritually unclean only at the death of certain relatives (3:21:1)

     264.     That a Kohen should defile himself, and a Jew should mourn, for a deceased close relative (3:21:3)

     265.     That a Kohen defiled for a day who undergoes ritual immersion should not serve at the Sanctuary till sunset (3:21:6)

Day 23

     265.     That a Kohen defiled for a day who undergoes ritual immersion should not serve at the Sanctuary till sunset (3:21:6)

     266.     That a Kohen is prohibited from marrying a wanton (3:21:7)

     267.     That a Kohen is prohibited from marrying a profaned woman (3:21:7)

     268.     That a Kohen is prohibited from marrying a divorced woman (3:21:7)

     269.     The precept of the sanctification of Aaron’s descendants (3:21:8)

     270.     That a Kohen Gadol is prohibited from entering the tent of a dead man (3:21:11)

     271.     That a Kohen Gadol should not make himself ritually unclean over any dead man (3:21:11)

     272.     The precept that the Kohen Gadol should take a virgin for a wife (3:21:13)

     273.     That a Kohen Gadol is prohibited from marrying a widow (3:21:14)

     274.     That conjugal intimacy with a widow is forbidden a Kohen Gadol (3:21:15)

     275.     That a Kohen with a blemishing defect should not serve at the Sanctuary (3:21:17)

     276.     That a Kohen with a temporary blemish is forbidden to serve at the Sanctuary (3:21:21)

     277.     That a Kohen with a blemishing defect is not to enter the holy Temple (3:21:23)

Day 24

     277.     That a Kohen with a blemishing defect is not to enter the holy Temple (3:21:23)

     278.     That a ritually unclean Kohen is forbidden to serve at the holy Temple (3:22:2)

     279.     That a ritually unclean Kohen is forbidden to eat t’rumah (3:22:4)

     280.     That any and every non-Kohen is forbidden to eat t’rumah (3:22:10)

     281.     That neither a permanent nor a temporary Hebrew slave of a Kohen is to eat t’rumah (3:22:10)

     282.     That an uncircumcised person is forbidden to eat t’rumah

     283.     That a profaned woman is forbidden to eat hallowed food (3:22:12)

     284.     Not to eat tevel—produce from which g’rumah and the tithes were not separated (3:22:15)

     285.     The prohibition of consecrating blemished animals for offerings (3:22:20)

     286.     That an animal offering is to be whole, without blemish or disfigurement (3:22:21)

     287.     That we should not make a blemishing defect in consecrated animals (3:22:21)

     288.     Not to sprinkle the blood of defective animals on the altar (3:22:22)

     289.     The prohibition on ritually slaying defective animals for holy offerings (3:22:22)

Day 25

     289.     The prohibition on ritually slaying defective animals for holy offerings (3:22:22)

     290.     That we should not burn the portions for the altar from defective animals (3:22:22)

     291.     Not to emasculate any creature out of all the animal species (3:22:24)

     292.     Not to offer up a defective offering received from a heathen (3:22:25)

     293.     The precept that an animal offering should be at least eight days old (3:22:27)

     294.     The prohibition against ritually slaying both an animal and its young in one day (3:22:28)

     295.     To do nothing by which the Divine Name will be profaned or desecrated among men (3:22:32)

     296.     The mitzvah of sanctifying the Almighty’s Name (3:22:32)

     297.     The precept of resting from work on the first day of Passover (3:23:7)

     298.     The prohibition of doing work on the first day of Passover (3:23:7)

     299.     The precept of the musaf offering all the seven days of Passover (3:23:8)

     300.     The precept of resting from work on the seventh day of Passover (3:23:8)

     301.     The prohibition against doing work on the seventh day of Passover (3:23:8)

Day 26

     301.     The prohibition against doing work on the seventh day of Passover (3:23:8)

     302.     On the offering of the ‘omer of barley on the second day of Passover (3:23:10)

     303.     To eat nothing of the new crop of cereal grains before the end of the 16th of Nissan (3:23:14)

     304.     To eat no parched grain from the new crop till the end of the 16th of Nissan (3:23:14)

     305.     To eat no fresh grain from the new crop until the end of the 16th of Nissan (3:23:14)

     306.     The precept of counting the ‘omer (3:23:15)

     307.     The precept of the meal-offering of new wheat on Shavu’oth (3:23:16)

     308.     The precept of resting from work on the Shavu’oth (3:23:21)

     309.     The prohibition against doing work on the Shavu’oth festival (3:23:15)

     310.     The precept of resting from work on Rosh HaShanah (3:23:24)

     311.     The prohibition of doing work on Rosh HaShanah (3:23:24)

     312.     The precept of the musaf offering on Rosh HaShanah (3:23:24)

     313.     The precept of fasting on the tenth of Tishri (3:23:27)

Day 27

     313.     The precept of fasting on the tenth of Tishri (3:23:27)

     314.     The precept of the musaf offering on the Day of Atonement (3:23:27)

     315.     The prohibition against doing work on the tenth of Tishri (3:23:27)

     316.     The prohibition against eating or drinking on the Day of Atonement (3:23:29)

     317.     The precept of resting from work on the Day of Atonement (3:23:32)

     318.     The precept of resting from work on the first day of Sukkoth (3:23:35)

     319.     The prohibition against doing work on the first day of Sukkoth (3:23:34)

     320.     The precept of the musaf offering on each day of Sukkoth (3:23:36)

     321.     The precept of resting from work on the eighth day of Sukkoth (3:23:36)

     322.     The precept of the musaf offering on the eighth day of Sukkoth (3:23:36)

     323.     The prohibition against doing work on the eighth day of Sukkoth (3:23:36)

     324.     The precept of taking up the lulav on the first day of Sukkoth (3:23:40)

     325.     The mitzvah of dwelling in a sukkah (3:23:42)

Day 28

     325.     The mitzvah of dwelling in a sukkah (3:23:42)

     326.     The prohibition against working the earth during the sabbatical year (3:25:4)

     327.     The prohibition of doing work on trees during the sabbatical year (3:25:4)

     328.     The prohibition against harvesting what grows wild in the sabbatical year (3:25:5)

     329.     Not to gather the fruit of trees in the sabbatical year as it is generally gathered (3:25:5)

     330.     The precept of counting seven septennates—cycles of seven years (3:25:8)

     331.     The precept of sounding the shofar on the Day of Atonement in a jubilee year (3:25:9)

     332.     The precept of sanctifying the jubilee year (3:25:10)

     333.     The prohibition against farming the land in a jubilee year (3:25:11)

     334.     That we should not harvest wild-growing produce in a jubilee year (3:25:11)

     335.     Not to gather the fruit of trees in the ordinary way during a jubilee year (3:25:11)

     336.     The precept of effecting justice between buyer and seller (3:25:14)

     337.     The prohibition against wronging anyone in buying and selling ( 3:25:14)

Day 29

     337.     The prohibition against wronging anyone in buying and selling ( 3:25:14)

     338.     The prohibition against oppressing a Jew with words (3:25:17)

     339.     The prohibition against selling a field permanently in the land of Israel (3:25:23)

     340.     The precept of returning land to its original owner at the jubilee (3:25:24)

     341.     The precept of redeeming heritage land in a walled city within a year (3:25:29)

     342.     Not to alter the open land around the Levites’ cities, or their fields (3:25:34)

     343.     The prohibition against lending at interest (3:25:37)

     344.     That we should not have a Hebrew manservant do contemptible work like a heathen slave (3:25:39)

     345.     The prohibition of selling a Hebrew manservant at the slaves’ selling-block (3:25:42)

     346.     Not to work a Hebrew manservant at hard labor (3:25:43)

     347.     The precept of keeping a heathen slave permanently (3:25:44)

     348.     Not to let a heathen put a Hebrew manservant to harsh work (3:25:53)

     349.     The prohibition against prostrating ourselves on a figured stone (3:26:1)

Day 30

     349.     The prohibition against prostrating ourselves on a figured stone (3:26:1)

     350.     The precept of one who vows a person’s valuation, that he should give his prescribed price (3:27:2)

     351.     The prohibition against exchanging animals consecrated for holy offerings (3:27:10)

     352.     That if one exchanges an animal consecrated for an offering, both animals are consecrated (3:27:10)

     353.     The precept that one who vows an animal’s valuation should give as the Kohen values it (3:27:11)

     354.     That if one vows the evaluation of a house he should give the Kohen’s valuation plus a fifth (3:27:14)

     355.     That if one vows a field’s valuation, he should give the value set by scripture (3:27:16)

     356.     The prohibition against changing consecrated animals from one kind of offering to another (3:27:26)

     357.     The precept that if one vows a herem on property of his, it goes to the kohanim (3:27:28)

     358.     That land put under a herem by its owner is not to be sold but to be given to the kohanim (3:27:28)

     359.     The precept that land under a vow of herem is not to be redeemed (3:27:28)

     360.     The precept of the tithe of permissible domestic animals to be given every year (3:27:32)

     361.     That the tithe of animals is not to be sold but only eaten in Jerusalem (3:27:33)

Day 31

     361.     That the tithe of animals is not to be sold but only eaten in Jerusalem (3:27:33)

     362.     The precept of sending the ritually unclean outside the camp of the shechinah (4:5:2)

     363.     That a ritually defiled person should not enter anywhere in the Sanctuary (4:5:3)

     364.     The precept of confession over sins (4:5:6)

     365.     The precept of sotah, a straying woman suspected of infidelity (4:5:12)

     366.     To put no oil in the meal-offering of a sotah (4:5:15)

     367.     To put no frankincense in the meal-offering of a sotah (4:5:15)

     368.     That a Nazir is forbidden to drink wine or any strong wine drink (4:6:3)

     369.     That a Nazir is prohibited from eating fresh grapes (4:6:3)

     370.     That a Nazir is prohibited from eating dried grapes (4:6:3)

     371.     That a Nazir is prohibited from eating grape seeds (4:6:3)

     372.     That a Nazir is forbidden to eat grape skins (4:6:4)

     373.     That a Nazir is prohibited from shaving his hair all his days as a Nazir (4:6:5)

Day 32

     373.     That a Nazir is prohibited from shaving his hair all his days as a Nazir (4:6:5)

     374.     The precept of letting a nazir’s hair grow long (4:6:5)

     375.     That a Nazir should not enter a dead man’s tent (4:6:6)

     376.     That a Nazir should not become defiled by a dead person or any other uncleanness (4:6:7)

     377.     The precept of shaving a Nazir’s hair and bringing his offerings (4:6:13)

     378.     The precept of the blessing of the Kohanim every day (4:6:23)

     379.     The precept of carrying the holy Ark on the shoulders (4:7:9)

     380.     The precept of the “Second Passover” offering on the 14th of Iyar (4:9:11)

     381.     That the “Second Passover” offering is to be eaten with matzah and bitter herbs (4:9:11)

     382.     To leave over nothing of the second Passover offering until the next day (4:9:12)

     383.     The prohibition against breaking any of the bones of the second Passover offering (4:9:12)

     384.     The precept of sounding trumpets at the Sanctuary and in battle (4:10:9)

     385.     The precept of hallah, a portion of dough set aside for the Kohen (4:15:20)

Day 33

     385.     The precept of hallah, a portion of dough set aside for the Kohen (4:15:20)

     386.     The precept of tzitzith, tassels on a four-cornered garment (4:15:38)

     387.     Not to go straying after one’s heart and eyes (4:15:39)

     388.     The precept of guarding the Sanctuary (4:18:4)

     389.     That the kohanim should not do the Levites' sacred tasks, nor vice-versa (4:18:3)

     390.     That one who is not a Kohen should not work at the Sanctuary (4:18:4)

     391.     Not to put an end to the guarding of the Sanctuary (4:18:5)

     392.     The precept of redeeming a firstborn human child (4:18:15)

     393.     Not to redeem the firstling of a kosher domestic animal (4:18:17)

     394.     The precept of the Levite's service at the Sanctuary (4:18:23)

     395.     The precept of the first tithe, for the Levites (4:18:24)

     396.     The obligation of the Levites to give a tithe of the tithe (4:18:26)

     397.     The precept of the red heifer (4:19:2)

Day 34

     397.     The precept of the red heifer (4:19:2)

     398.     The precept of the ritual uncleanness of the dead (4:19:4)

     399.     The precept of the lustral water, that it defiles a ritually clean man and purifies only one defiled by the dead (4:19:19)

     400.     The precept of the laws of inheritance (4:27:8)

     401.     The precept of the regular ‘olah offering of the Sabbath (4:28:2)

     402.     The precept of the musaf offering of the Sabbath (4:28:9)

     403.     The precept of the musaf offering of the every new month day (4:28:11)

     404.     The precept of the musaf offering on the Shavu’oth festival (4:28:26)

     405.     The precept of the shofar on Rosh Hashana (4:29:1)

     406.     The precept of the law of nullifying vows (4:30:3)

     407.     That we should not break our word in vows that we make (4:30:3)

     408.     To give the Levites cities to dwell in and to give refuge to the unintentional manslayer (4:35:2)

     409.     Not to execute a guilty person who deserves death, before he stands trial (4:35:12)

Day 35

     409.     Not to execute a guilty person who deserves death, before he stands trial (4:35:12)

     410.     The duty of the court to make an unintentional killer go to a city of refuge and his duty to go there (4:35:25)

     411.     That a witness who testifies in a trial for a capital crime should not speak in judgment (4:35:30)

     412.     To take no ransom to save a killer from his death sentence (4:35:31)

     413.     To take no ransom from someone sentenced to banishment, to free him from it (4:35:32)

     414.     Not to appoint any judge who is unlearned in the Torah, even if he is generally learned (5:1:17)

     415.     That a judge presiding at a trial should not fear any evil man (5:1:17)

     416.     Not to desire what belongs to our fellow-Jews (5:5:18)

     417.     The precept of the oneness of the Eternal Elohim (5:6:4)

     418.     The precept of love for the Eternal Elohim (5:6:5)

     419.     The precept of Torah study (5:6:7)

     420.     The mitzvah of reciting the Sh’ma every morning and evening (5:6:4)

     421.     The precept of the T’fillin of the hand (5:6:8)

Day 36

     421.     The precept of the T’fillin of the hand (5:6:8)

     422.     The precept of the T’fillin of the head (5:6:8)

     423.     The precept of the m’zuzah on the doorpost (5:6:9)

     424.     Not to test a true prophet to an undue degree (5:7:16)

     425.     The precept of killing out the seven nations (5:7:2)

     426.     To show no mercy to idol-worshippers (5:7:2)

     427.     To form no marital bonds with idol-worshippers (5:7:3)

     428.     Not to derive benefit from any ornamentation of an idol (5:7:25)

     429.     Not to take any object from idolatry into our possession, to derive benefit from it (7:7:26)

     430.     The precept of blessing the Almighty for the food we receive (5:8:10)

     431.     The precept of love for converts to Judaism (5:10:19)

     432.     The precept of reverent awe for the Eternal Elohim (5:10:20)

     433.     The precept of prayer to the Almighty (5:10:20)

Day 37

     433.     The precept of prayer to the Almighty (5:10:20)

     434.     The mitzvah of associating with Torah scholars and adhering to them

     435.     That whoever needs to take an oath should swear by the name of the Eternal Elohim (5:10:20)

     436.     The precept to destroy an idol and all that serves it (5:12:2)

     437.     Not to erase holy writings or written names of the Holy One, nor destroy the Temples of holy worship (5:12:4)

     438.     To bring all obligatory or voluntary offerings at the first pilgrimage festival that comes along (5:12:5)

     439.     The prohibition against sacrificing holy offerings outside the Sanctuary (5:12:13)

     440.     The precept to sacrifice all offerings at the Sanctuary, and not anywhere outside it (5:12:14)

     441.     To redeem animals consecrated for offerings which become blemished (5:12:15)

     442.     The prohibition against eating the second tithe of grain outside Jerusalem (5:12:17)

     443.     The prohibition against consuming the second tithe of wine outside Jerusalem (5:12:17)

     444.     The prohibition against consuming the second tithe of oil outside Jerusalem (5:12:17)

     445.     The prohibition against eating an unblemished firstborn animal outside Jerusalem (5:12:17)

Day 38

     445.     The prohibition against eating an unblemished firstborn animal outside Jerusalem (5:12:17)

     446.     Not to eat of a hattath or an ‘asham outside the Holy Temple (5:12:17)

     447.     Not to eat the flesh of an ‘olah, a burnt-offering (5:12:17)

     448.     Not to eat of offerings of lesser holiness before their blood is sprinkled on the alter (5:12:17)

     449.     That the kohanim should not eat bikkurim before they are set down in the ’azarah, the Sanctuary grounds (5:12:17)

     450.     Not to neglect the Levites by failing to give them their gifts, etc. (5:12:19)

     451.     The precept of shehittah, ritual slaying (5:12:21)

     452.     Not to eat a limb or part taken from a living animal (5:12:23)

     453.     To attend to bringing an animal offering from another land to the Sanctuary (5:12:26)

     454.     The prohibition against adding to the precepts of the Torah (5:13:1)

     455.     Not to diminish the precepts of the Torah in any way (5:13:1)

     456.     To pay no heed to anyone prophesying in the name of an idol or idolatry (5:13:4)

     457.     To have no affection for an enticer of idolatry (5:13:9)

Day 39

     457.     To have no affection for an enticer of idolatry (5:13:9)

     458.     Not to relinquish hatred for an enticer to idolatry (5:13:9)

     459.     Not to rescue from death an enticer to idol-worship (5:13:9)

     460.     That someone enticed to idolatry should not speak in favor of the enticer (5:13:9)

     461.     That a person enticed to idol-worship should not refrain from speaking out against the enticer (5:13:9)

     462.     Not to entice an Israelite toward idol-worship (5:13:12)

     463.     The precept of examining witnesses thoroughly (5:13:15)

     464.     The precept of burning a city gone astray into idolatry (5:13:17)

     465.     Not to rebuild to its former condition a city gone astray into idolatry (5:13:17)

     466.     To derive no benefit from the wealth of a city gone astray into idolatry (5:13:18)

     467.     The prohibition against gashing oneself as idol-worshippers do (5:14:1)

     468.     Not to cause baldness, tearing the hair in grief over the dead (5:14:1)

     469.     Not to eat holy animal offerings that became disqualified (5:14:3)

Day 40

     469.     Not to eat holy animal offerings that became disqualified (5:14:3)

     470.     The religious duty of examining the marks of a fowl, if it may be eaten (5:14:11)

     471.     To eat no unclean, non-kosher locusts, nor any winged insects (5:14:19)

     472.     Not to eat the flesh of any kosher animal that died of itself (5:14:21)

     473.     The precept of the second tithe (5:14:22)

     474.     The precept of the tithe for the poor, in place of the second tithe in the third year (5:14:28)

     475.     Not to demand payment for a loan over which the seventh year, sh’mittah, has passed (5:15:2)

     476.     The precept of exacting a loan rigorously from a heathen (5:15:3)

     477.     The precept of relinquishing money owed in the seventh year (5:15:3)

     478.     Not to refrain from sustaining a poor man and giving him what he needs (5:15:7)

     479.     The mitzvah of charity (5:15:8)

     480.     That we should not avoid lending money to the poor because of sh’mittah (5:15:9)

     481.     Not to send away a Hebrew manservant empty-handed when he goes free (5:15:13)

Day 41

     481.     Not to send away a Hebrew manservant empty-handed when he goes free (5:15:13)

     482.     The precept of giving a bonus to a Hebrew manservant at his discharge (5:15:14)

     483.     To do no work with animals consecrated for offerings (5:15:19)

     484.     Not to shear animals consecrated for offerings (5:15:19)

     485.     Not to eat hametz after noon on the day before Passover (5:16:3)

     486.     Not to leave over till the third day any flesh of the festival offering at Passover (5:16:4)

     487.     Not to offer up the Passover offering on an individual’s provisional altar (5:16:5)

     488.     The precept of being happy on the pilgrimage festivals (5:16:14)

     489.     The precept to appear on the pilgrimage festivals at the Sanctuary (5:16:16)

     490.     Not to go up to Jerusalem for a pilgrimage festival without an animal offering (5:16:16)

     491.     The precept of appointing judges and officers in every single community in Jewry (5:16:18)

     492.     The prohibition against planting trees in the Sanctuary (5:16:21)

     493.     The prohibition against erecting an idolatrous pillar (5:16:22)

Day 42

     493.     The prohibition against erecting an idolatrous pillar (5:16:22)

     494.     Not to present as an offering an animal with a temporary blemish (5:17:1)

     495.     The religious duty to heed every great Sanhedrin, in every period (5:17:10)

     496.     Not to disobey the word of the great bet din—the Sanhedrin (5:17:11)

     497.     The precept of appointing a king over us (5:17:15)

     498.     Not to appoint anyone king over the people of Israel but an Israelite (5:17:15)

     499.     That the king should not acquire an unduly great number of horses (5:17:16)

     500.     Not to ever dwell in the land of Egypt (5:17:16)

     501.     That the king should not take himself an unduly large number of wives (5:17:17)

     502.     That the king should not amass gold and silver inordinately, but only what he needs (5:17:17)

     503.     The king’s obligation to write one Torah scroll more than other Israelites (5:17:18)

     504.     That the tribe of Levi should have no inheritance of land in Israel (5:18:1)

     505.     That the tribe of Levi should take no share of booty in the conquest of the land (5:18:1)

Day 43

     505.     That the tribe of Levi should take no share of booty in the conquest of the land (5:18:1)

     506.     The precept of giving the foreleg, cheeks and maw of an offering to the Kohen (5:18:3)

     507.     The religious duty of separating the great t’rumah-the Kohen’s portion from produce (5:18:4)

     508.     The precept of the first of the fleece, that it should be given to the Kohen (5:18:4)

     509.     The precept that the kohanim should serve at the Sanctuary in watches, and all together at the festivals (5:18:6)

     510.     The prohibition against the practice of divination (5:18:10)

     511.     Not to practice sorcery (5:18:10)

     512.     The prohibition against employing charms (5:18:10)

     513.     Not to consult an ‘ov, a kind of medium (5:18:10)

     514.     The prohibition against consulting a yid’oni, a kind of wizard

     515.     The prohibition against making any enquiry of the dead (5:18:10)

     516.     The precept to heed every prophet, in every generation, provided he changes nothing in the precepts of the Torah (5:18:15)

     517.     The prohibition against prophesying falsely (5:18:20)

Day 44

     517.     The prohibition against prophesying falsely (5:18:20)

     518.     The prohibition against prophesying in the name of an idol (5:18:20)

     519.     Not to refrain from putting a false prophet to death, and not to be afraid of him (5:18:22)

     520.     The precept to prepare six cities of refuge (5:19:3)

     521.     To have no mercy in corporeal judgment on a person who has inflicted injury (5:19:13)

     522.     The prohibition against overreaching a boundary (5:19:14)

     523.     Not to pass judgment on the word of one witness (5:19:15)

     524.     The precept to do to scheming witnesses as they intended to have done to their victim (5:19:19)

     525.     Not to quail in fear before an enemy in battle (5:20:8)

     526.     The precept to anoint a Kohen for war (5:20:8)

     527.     The precept to act in a war of choice according to the rules of scripture (5:20:10)

     528.     To let no one in the seven nations of Canaan stay alive (5:20:16)

     529.     Not to destroy fruit-trees in setting siege—and so is any needless destruction included in the ban (5:20:19)

Day 45

     529.     Not to destroy fruit-trees in setting siege—and so is any needless destruction included in the ban (5:20:19)

     530.     The precept of beheading the heifer in a riverbed (5:21:1)

     531.     Not to plow or sow in the coursing riverbed where the heifer was beheaded (5:21:4)

     532.     The precept of the law of a “beautiful woman”—captured in war (5:21:11)

     533.     The prohibition against selling a “beautiful woman” captured in war (5:21:14)

     534.     Not to make a “beautiful woman” work as a slave after conjugal intimacy with her (5:21:14)

     535.     The precept of the law of hanging someone after his execution, when required (5:21:22)

     536.     That someone hung should not be left overnight on the gallows, etc. (5:21:23)

     537.     The precept of burial for someone executed by court order, and so for every deceased person (5:21:23)

     538.     The religious duty of returning a lost object to its owner (5:22:1)

     539.     Not to turn a blind eye to a lost object (5:22:3)

     540.     Not to leave the beast of one’s fellow-man lying under its burden (5:23:4)

     541.     The precept of lifting up a load for an Israelite (5:23:4)

Day 46

     541.     The precept of lifting up a load for an Israelite (5:23:4)

     542.     That a woman is not to wear a man’s finery (5:22:5)

     543.     That a man is not to wear a woman’s finery (5:22:5)

     544.     Not to take the mother-bird with the young in a nest (5:22:6)

     545.     The precept of sending the mother-bird away from the nest (5:22:7)

     546.     The religious duty of building a parapet (5:22:8)

     547.     Not to leave a stumbling-block (keep a dangerous object) about (5:22:8)

     548.     Not to sow mixed kinds of seeds in a vineyard in Israel (5:22:9)

     549.     Not to eat the produce of mixed seeds in a vineyard in Israel (5:22:9)

     550.     Not to do work with two kinds of animals together (5:22:10)

     551.     Not to wear cloth of wool and linen (5:22:11)

     552.     The precept of marriage to a woman (5:22:13)

     553.     The precept that the wife of one who spreads an evil report-that she was immoral—is to remain with him permanently (5:22:19)

Day 47

     553.     The precept that the wife of one who spreads an evil report-that she was immoral—is to remain with him permanently (5:22:19)

     554.     That a man who spreads an evil report—that she was immoral—is never to divorce his wife (5:22:19)

     555.     The duty of the court to have anyone who merits stoning, stoned to death (5:22:24)

     556.     Not to punish anyone compelled to commit a transgression (5:22:26)

     557.     The duty of a rapist to take his victim for a wife (5:22:29)

     558.     That a rapist is not ever to divorce his victim (5:22:29)

     559.     That an emasculated man is not to take any Israelite woman in marriage (5:23:2)

     560.     That a bastard from an adulterous or incestuous union should not marry any Jewish woman (5:23:3)

     561.     That no Ammonite or Moabite may marry an Israelite woman (5:23:4)

     562.     Not to ever offer peace to Ammon or Moab (5:23:7)

     563.     Not to exclude the progeny of Esau from intermarrying with Israelites, after they convert, past two generations (5:23:8)

     564.     Similarly, to exclude an Egyptian only up to the third generation, not including the third (5:23:8)

     565.     That a ritually unclean person should not enter the camp of the Levites (5:23:11)

Day 48

     565.     That a ritually unclean person should not enter the camp of the Levites (5:23:11)

     566.     The precept to prepare a place of easement in a camp (5:23:13)

     567.     The precept to prepare a boring-stick—a space, for easement—in a camp (5:23:14)

     568.     Not to return a slave who fled from his master abroad, into the land of Israel (5:23:16)

     569.     Not to oppress this slave who flees from his master abroad into the land of Israel (5:23:17)

     570.     That there should be no “harlot” in Jewry, no woman conjugally intimate out of wedlock (5:23:18)

     571.     Not to bring the wage of a harlot or the exchange-price of a dog as a holy offering (5:23:19)

     572.     Not to borrow at interest from an Israelite (5:23:20)

     573.     The precept of lending to a heathen at interest if he needs a loan, but not so to an Israelite (5:23:21)

     574.     Not to be tardy with vowed and voluntary offerings (5:23:22)

     575.     The religious duty of fulfilling whatever goes out from one’s lips (5:23:24)

     576.     Our duty to allow a hired worker to eat certain things while under hire (5:23:25)

     577.     That a hired man should not raise a sickle to his fellow-man’s standing grain (5:23:25)

Day 49

     577.     That a hired man should not raise a sickle to his fellow-man’s standing grain (5:23:25)

     578.     That a hired hand is forbidden to eat from his employer’s crops during work (5:23:26)

     579.     The precept that one who wants to divorce his wife should do so with a proper document (5:24:1)

     580.     That a divorced man should not take back his ex-wife after she has remarried (5:24:4)

     581.     That a bridegroom is not to be taken from home for long during the entire first year of marriage (5:24:5)

     582.     The precept that a bridegroom should rejoice with his wife in their first year (5:24:5)

     583.     Not to take in pledge any objects used in preparing life-sustaining food

     584.     Not to pluck out signs of tzara’ath affliction (5:24:8)

     585.     Not to take an object in pledge from a debtor by force (5:24:10)

     586.     Not to withhold a pawned object from its owner when he needs it (5:24:12)

     587.     The religious duty of returning a pledged object to its owner when he need it (5:24:13)

     588.     The precept of giving a hired man his due pay on his day—when he has earned it (5:24:15)

     589.     That a near relation of a person in a court trial should not give testimony (5:24:16)

Day 50 SHAVUOT 1

     589.     That a near relation of a person in a court trial should not give testimony (5:24:16)

     590.     Not to pervert justice in regard to a proselyte or an orphan (5:24:17)

     591.     Not to take anything in pledge from a widow (5:24:17)

     592.     The precept of leaving forgotten sheaves (5:24:19)

     593.     Not to take a forgotten sheaf of grain or forgotten fruit of trees (5:24:19)

     594.     The precept of whiplashes for the wicked (5:25:2)

     595.     Not to add to the whiplashes due someone who merits flogging; so likewise not to strike any Jew (5:25:3)

     596.     Not to muzzle a domestic animal during its work (5:25:4)

     597.     That a yevamah should not marry anyone but the yavam (5:25:5)

     598.     The precept of Levirate marriage (5:25:5)

     599.     The precept of halitzah to release a childless widow (5:25:9)

     600.     The religious duty to save a person pursued by a killer (5:25:12)

     601.     To have no mercy on a pursuer with intent to kill (5:25:12)

Day 51 SHAVUOT 2

     601.     To have no mercy on a pursuer with intent to kill (5:25:12)

     602.     That we should not keep deficient scales or weights with us even if we will not use them in trading (5:25:13)

     603.     The religious duty to remember what Amalek did to the Israelites when they came out of Egypt (5:25:17)

     604.     The precept to eradicate the progeny of Amalek (5:25:18)

     605.     That we should not forget the deed of Amalek which he wrought upon our forefathers when they came out of Egypt (5:25:19)

     606.     The precept of the recital over first-fruits (5:26:5)

     607.     The precept of the avowal over the tithes (5:26:13)

     608.     Not to eat of the second tithe while in grief over the death of close kin (5:26:14)

     609.     The prohibition against eating second tithe when ritually unclean (5:26:14)

     610.     Not to spend the exchange-money of second tithe on anything but food and drink (5:26:14)

     611.     The precept to emulate the good and right ways of the Eternal Elohim (5:28:9)

     612.     The precept to assemble the entire people to hear the Torah read, after the seventh year (5:31:12)

     613.     The religious duty for every Jew to write a Torah scroll for himself (5:31:19)

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