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"Choose Me" - the Word of YAHUAH


The Word of YAHUAH spoken through His servant for all people:

"Hear the Word of YAH:

I Am the One and Only Who created the heavens and the earth. It was I who made male and female from the dust of the earth. My earth, I have given to all mankind, the righteous and the unrighteous, so that all people will inhabit. My joy is to see the earth inhabited with people.

I Am your Provider if you fully choose Me. I Am your Healer if you fully choose Me. I Am your blessing when you fully choose Me. I Am your headache and distress when you don’t fully choose Me. I Am your Deliverer when you choose Me. I will deliver you from all slavery, bondages, and habits. I will deliver you from your main enemy – yourself!

You yourself are your enemy because of the decisions you make everyday. From the time you arise in the morning until you retire at night, you’re making a choice of what’s good for you and what is not good for you. When you choose good, all goes well, but when you choose bad, all goes bad and you have distress.

I Am your decision to follow Me and the servants of My Word. I Am with My servants of this House of Prayer. I lead them, and they praise Me. I gave them this beautiful land and a home. It is I who does good to those who choose Me, to love Me and walk in all My ways.

You have My Name, now learn My way so that you follow. All the blessings come upon those who are faithful to Me. But despair to those who choose not to follow Me. This is because I YAHUAH your Elohim am Great and Good. I will BE with those who follow this House of believers. I will be with you to save you from destructions of the last day. You are now for sure in the last of the last days.

Purify your hearts and minds of all uncleanness in words or deeds, and choose to follow MY laws and commands for I Am He and I Am to be praised. You want a good life, free from stress and sadness or any forms of mental illness. I Am here to give it to you today – now.

I am now. I will be forever and in the world to come! You have only now while you are still alive to choose the truth and leave all lies. I Am YAHUAH your Elohim, and I send my love to you. Follow My servant of this House, and you do all that you can to learn My way. Then you are on the right path to Me – to have a good life in this world and a better life in the world to come.

I give you My love because I chose you before the world came to be. I chose you – a spark of light, a spark of love, and I placed that spark within you and placed you into your mother’s womb to grow and be birthed into this world. My promises to you are love, peace, prosperity, blessings, and health forever. Let it begin in this world, and it will follow you to the next world.

I Am love, therefore I call love into your being. I Am peace, now I call “peace” into your being. Be at peace My children for I am Your Father who loves you! So be it!"

-- The Word of YAHUAH

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