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#1: Believe in YAHUAH

“I am YAHUAH your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, out of the house of slavery.” (Shem/Ex. 20:2)

The first command is the positive commandment to believe in YAHUAH Elohim.  The Creator of the universe, Possessor of heaven and earth, identifies His Name to His people.  His Name is awesome and full of compassion.  He is the 'To Be';  Self-existent; Ever-present in all three tenses: He was, He is, and He will be. YAHUAH is the All-Sovereign Creator of the universe. He existed before Creation and by His word all things came to be.  YAHUAH is the Great I AM!


We must not only know that YAHUAH exists, but we must understand Who He is in our hearts and our minds.  He said, "I am YAHUAH your Elohim."  He is letting His newly set-free ones know that He is the All-Powerful One, and through His Power (because ALL power belongs to YAHUAH) He mightily set His people free.  YAHUAH IS ONE!  He is the Elohim Who showed His Power and compassion to bring His people out of slavery in Mitsrayim (Egypt). 


Mitsrayim was a world of idolatry and falsehood.  The Mitsrites (Egyptians) worshipped the sun and did not serve the One True Elohim, the Most High YAHUAH. The people of YAHUAH, the Hebrews, were not only in physical bondage but also spiritual bondage.  YAHUAH, mighty in power and great in compassion, pulled His people out of bondage and brought them out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.


He Was, He Is, and He Will Be. We exist only because ‘He is.’  Our only purpose is to serve our Creator Who brought us out of slavery. He brought us out to obey His Laws and Commands. When we obey and walk in His Way, then we are a light to the gentiles. This command is first because it forms the basis of obedience. If we know Him and understand Who He is, we are more likely to obey.


Notice, YAHUAH is speaking to those whom He brought out of slavery. Those who are still enslaved to the pharaoh of this world (the adversary) cannot be expected to obey the commandments. Only those who have come out of slavery — out of sin and falsehood — will hear and obey.


Category: Belief in Elohim


Ber/Gen 1:1  In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth.


Shem/Ex. 3:13-15  And Mosheh said to Elohim, “See, when I come to the children of Yisra’el and say to them, ‘The Elohim of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His Name?’ what shall I say to them?”  (14)  And Elohim said to Mosheh, “I am that which I am.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Yisra’el, ‘I am has sent me to you.’ ” (15)  And Elohim said further to Mosheh, “Thus you are to say to the children of Yisra’el, YAHUAH Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitshaq, and the Elohim of Ya'aqob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.’”


1 - Believe in YAH
#2: Prohibition of Idol Worship

“You have no other mighty ones against My face.  You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,  you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, YAHUAH your Elohim am a jealous El, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing kindness to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.” (Shem/Ex. 20:3-6)

The second command contains four parts:

  1. Do not believe in idols

  2. Do not make or possess idols

  3. Do not worship an idol in any manner that you would worship YAHUAH (especially in the four ways mentioned in Scripture: a) bowing down or lying prostrate  b) slaughtering c) making offerings on the altar or d) making drink offerings )

  4. Do not worship an idol in the customary way that it is worshipped


Definition of Idolatry: adoration or exaltation of an object or force of the created reality.


An idol is defined as “an object of excessive attachment, admiration, or infatuation.”


Idolatry is belief in any power or entity besides the Most High YAHUAH Elohim. It includes the worship of a created object rather than true worship of the One and Only Creator. 


We are forbidden from making or possessing any idol. No object that is worshipped shall be in our possession. It doesn’t matter if we’re not worshipping it; if someone does worship it (or even one like it) then it is an idol. We do not have it in our midst, in our possession--even for decorative purposes, even if it was a ‘gift.’


Also, anything that is carved or molded to look like a creation in the heavens, earth, or below the earth is forbidden. We do not make it, we do not worship it, we do not own it, we do not have it in our midst. YAHUAH is the one and only Creator, and He gives life to all.  Any carved image is man's attempt to imitate the power of creating life that only YAHUAH has.  Making, worshiping, or owning a carved image is apostasy--a statement contrary to our belief that YAHUAH is the only Elohim and the only Creator.  If there are any idols or carved images in your midst--Get rid of it!


Avraham showed us the true meaning of worshiping one Elohim after he came out of the idolatrous Babel.  Every person must follow his example and realize that there is One and only One Creator of the universe. His Name is YAHUAH. Not only must we realize that He exists, but we must also know that He is indeed Elohim. He is constantly in control of every matter in the universe. He is the All-Sovereign Elohim, Master over all creation, and yet He is personally involved with the lives of each and every person on the planet. YAHUAH cares deeply for each and every one of His creations, opening His Hand and satisfying the desire of all that live (Teh. 145:16).


Idolatry is attributing His Power, His Greatness, His kindness, and His compassion to someone or something else. It is claiming that another source—an object, a person, a company/business, or anything else—provides life and nourishment.  Looking to anybody or anything else for any kind of provision or support is idolatry. 


To paint a picture of the futility and foolishness of idolatry, let’s ask the question: Would you worship a hammer for building you a house? Would you thank a spoon for cooking your dinner? Or admire a wrench for fixing the car?  Of course not! These objects are only tools—they are not the REAL source of provision.  YAHUAH is the One and Only One Who provides all our needs. No person or thing can come between us and YAHUAH, our Creator, our Sustainer, our Provider, Life-Giver of the world.  We must look to Him first, and we must look only to Him to provide for us.


Category: Prohibition of Idolatry & Improper Worship


This category includes all commandments against idolatry.  Included is the verse: "Do not turn to idols, and do not make for yourselves moulded mighty ones. I am YAHUAH your Elohim.” (Way/Lev. 19:14)


“Do not turn to idols.” – We must be very careful in this. Oftentimes, people who have learned the true Names of our Father and Messiah tend to research a little into paganism. The intention is generally sincere: to learn what NOT to do.  However, researching paganism is against the Laws of Elohim. We are not allowed to seek after idols, which is essentially what we're doing when we research too much into ‘pagan roots.’  We should not read about idols, we should not study idolatrous practices, and we should not even LOOK at their images. They can become a snare:  “Guard yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside and serve other mighty ones and bow down to them” (Deb/Deut. 11:16). 


Research into paganism (‘pagan roots’) will hinder our spiritual growth in YAHUAH. Guard yourself from it by not seeking it out.


Seek YAHUAH alone. Learn of His ways only. Walk in the footsteps of Messiah with the help of the Set-Apart Spirit, and HE will show us what to do and what not to do.  If we find out something is pagan—that is enough.  We do not need to know all the details of how and why it's pagan.  “Do not turn to idols.”  “Guard yourselves.”


Also, when we make any teaching materials (books, flyers, websites, etc.), we cannot allow our materials to become a snare to someone by teaching too much about paganism or by using pictures, symbols, or names of idols.  Pictures and symbols carry unclean spirits that can afflict a person's being when they view them.


Furthermore, when teaching about YAHUAH, there shouldn't be any uncleanness mixed with it. Do not place the Set-Apart Name of the Father next to images or names of idols. Let the set-apart be set-apart.


Reject idolatry. Seek the Set-Apart Truth only.

2 - Idol Worship
#3: Do Not Bring His Name to Naught

“You do not bring the Name of your Elohim to naught, for YAHUAH does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.” (Shem/Ex. 20:7)

It is said that the whole world trembled as YAHUAH spoke this command.  That shows the power and seriousness of this word. The Name of YAHUAH is IMPORTANT!


The Name of YAHUAH is brought to naught (nothing) when man ceases to remember or call upon His Name. The Name of YAHUAH should not be replaced, and it should not be hidden so that no one knows or calls upon His Name. That is against the command of YAHUAH. We must always speak, remember, and exalt His Most Set-Apart Name.


Once we know His Name, we must properly esteem His Name. When we show respect and reverence for His Name, then we show reverence for YAHUAH Himself.


The Hebrew word for naught is ‘lashav.’  It is related to the word ‘shoah’ which means destruction.  First of all, we must be careful with the written Name of YAHUAH. His Name is precious. His Name is Most Set-Apart. His Name is NOT common. If you have any papers with His Name written on them, do not throw them away as common, worthless trash. The Name of YAHUAH is far too precious for that. Collect and hold any papers with His Name that you no longer need, and when you have a significant amount, bury them in the earth with proper and due respect for His Name. 


On the same note, we must be careful on what we write His Name. Do not write His Name on anything that may be thrown away or discarded or erased. When it comes to writing His Name YAHUAH, whether in English letters or in Hebrew, we are extra careful not to destroy His Name and take special consideration when using it in written materials.  Often, when witnessing about the Name of YAHUAH, we use more word of mouth, and then only if they are interested and responding positively do we give study materials.  We do not give materials with the Name of YAHUAH to those who reject or are uninterested.  We encourage them to seek the truth on their own, and do not risk the chance of the Name of YAHUAH being thrown away. Sometimes, we even ask for papers back so someone won't throw them away. For example, at the copy center, we will pay for 'bad' copies just so the Name of YAHUAH won't end up in the trash.


The Paleo-Hebrew is one of the oldest forms of His Name that we know of, probably the closest to the original written Name.  We only use it when specifically teaching about the Paleo-Hebrew or on something that will only show proper esteem for His Name.  We are extra careful to treat His Name with respect. We cannot treat it as common by writing it any and everywhere. Only use it in an esteemed manner that will not be desecrated.  Treat His Name with respect!


We should also be careful how we speak the Name of YAHUAH. We are supposed to speak His Name, but we must use caution with our speech so we don’t violate the third commandment.  We should not speak the Set-Apart Name of YAHUAH in a careless, thoughtless manner. We should be mindful and completely conscious of the fact that we are saying THE Most Set-Apart Name in the entire universe. We should not say His Name just as commonly and nonchalantly as we would say Bob, Jim, or Shirley from down the street. His Name is ABOVE every other name.  We should esteem His Name from our very being when we say it.  YAHUAH!!


Also, we should speak His Name with purpose. If there is no reason to speak His Name, then don’t. Do not use His Name vainly. Only speak the Name YAHUAH with respect and esteem and purpose.


Finally, we must be careful with how we live in His Name. When we commit our lives to YAHUAH, His Name is written upon us. We are YAHudim. If we proclaim His Name, we cannot live a life of sin and unrighteousness. We cannot use His Name and His Truth as a 'façade' (mask) of righteousness. Righteousness must be truly within us. When we come into the Set-apart Truth of YAHUAH, we must leave the pretense behind. Our lives must show true righteousness if we proclaim His Name. We can speak a lot of good words, but people see our actions. If we do not live righteousness in every area of our lives, the Name which we proclaim will come to naught (nothing) in the eyes of others. This is a sin, and YAHUAH will not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to naught.


Add'l note:  Many people like to add the Father's Name to their name, especially if their name has any 'ah' sound in it. Please be careful in this!  Names have meanings. For example, EliYah means 'My El is YAH.'  We must know the meaning of our name before we add the Father's Name to it. We don't want to make a statement about YAHUAH that is incorrect or even blasphemous by adding His Name to a part of ours (esp. if our name has pagan origins).  If you feel you should have a Hebrew name, research and find a name that has true meaning to it.  Pray and ask YAHUAH to reveal your name to you; He will lead you to your name.


Category: Prohibition of Oaths


Way/Lev. 19:12  "And do not swear falsely by My Name and so profane the Name of your Elohim. I am YAHUAH."


Do not swear in the Name of YAHUAH.  In order to prevent blasphemy, we do not make an oath in the Name of YAHUAH. Blasphemy is verbally desecrating (bringing to naught) the Name of Elohim. If we swear to do or not to do something in His Name but do not fulfill the oath, then we bring His Name to naught. If we take a vain oath, we bring His Name to naught. A vain oath is: 1) swearing that something is true when it is actually false or impossible 2) swearing unnecessarily (like when everyone already knows it’s true) or 3) swearing to break a commandment (an evil oath).  All of these desecrate the Name of YAHUAH.  Therefore, we do not swear in the Father’s Name because we could blaspheme the Most Set-Apart Name in all the universe. 

3 - Name of Elohim
#4: Remember the Sabbath

“Remember the Sabbath day, to set it apart.  Six days you labour, and shall do all your work,  but the seventh day is a Sabbath of YAHUAH your Elohim. You do not do any work – you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.  For in six days YAHUAH made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore YAHUAH blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart.”  (Shem/Ex. 20:8-11)

The Sabbath Day is the seventh day of the week.  It begins at sundown and concludes at sundown. 


The Sabbath Day (Shabbat) is an everlasting covenant for Yisrael to keep forever (Shem/Ex. 31:16).  It is a sign and a witness for the people of Yisrael.  YAHUAH said, “Between Me and the children of Yisra’el it is a sign forever. For in six days YAHUAH made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.’ ”(Shem/Ex. 31:17)


When we observe the Sabbath, we testify to two things: 1) YAHUAH is the One and Only Creator of the universe Who created the world and all that is in it in six days and rested on the seventh and 2) we are the people of YAHUAH in covenant with Him. The Sabbath is a constant reminder—a weekly declaration—that YAHUAH is the Creator. When we keep it, we bear witness to this truth. In addition, we are proclaiming that YAHUAH continually creates--everyday bringing forth new life.


The Sabbath is inherently set-apart on its own for YAHUAH Himself set it apart: “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their array. And on the seventh day Elohim completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And Elohim blessed the seventh day and set it apart, because on it He rested from all His work which Elohim in creating had made” (Ber/Gen 2:1-3).  Also, as stated above: “Therefore, YAHUAH blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart.” 


Because the Sabbath is already set-apart, the fourth commandment means that we must set it apart in our lives.  We must make it the most special day of our week.  All other days revolve around the Sabbath.  Instead of it being the preparation for the coming work week, the Sabbath is the climax of every week with all days leading up to it. In Hebrew, the days of the week are numbered according to the Sabbath: Yom Rishon (first day of the Sabbath), Yom Sheni (second day of the Sabbath)...Yom Shishi (sixth day of the Sabbath), and then Shabbat!  All week long, we should be mindful of the approaching Sabbath, counting the days and preparing for it. Then, when Shabbat arrives, we make it a set-apart day—a day that is completely away from our common day-to-day life, away from our daily routine, away from the activities involving the secular world. It is special, it is unique, and it is set-apart.


The root word of Shabbat means "to rest or desist."  Therefore, we take delight in Shabbat and rest. We do not go to our place of employment or do any activity that is work-related. Work can be considered as whatever we do to earn income for living.  (It can also generally be anything 'laborious' that keeps us from resting.)  We should have the Sabbath off of work and do our best to complete all our tasks before the Sabbath begins.


Even if we are unable to do everything before sundown, our ‘attitude’ on the Sabbath should be as if all work is done. We should be at peace and rest easy as if everything were complete. In other words, don’t worry about work! Don’t fret over errands or household tasks! Be at peace, for all those other things are unimportant in comparison to the meaningfulness of Shabbat.


If we do work or allow the secular to overcome the set-apartness of the Seventh Day, then we violate the command to rest and the command to “Guard the Sabbath day, to set it apart, as YAHUAH your Elohim commanded you” (Deb/Deut. 5:12).  We guard the Sabbath by protecting it from desecration—not allowing the secular to ‘spill over’ into the Sabbath. 


Tips for Setting Apart the Sabbath:

  • Get off work early to prepare (offer to come in early or make up hours on other days)

  • Clean the house (before the Sabbath begins) & prepare a special meal to welcome the Sovereign as your guest

  • Light (2) Shabbat candles

  • Share a special bread (challah if you have it) & wine

  • Begin the Sabbath with prayer and end the Sabbath with prayer to make a distinction between the Set-Apart Day & the six days of labor

  • Avoid the day-to-day or work-related activities (housecleaning, shopping, business calls, email, internet surfing, etc.)

  • Read & Study Scriptures

  • Rest!! Take a Sabbath Day nap

  • Worship YAHUAH! 


Category: Observance of Set-Apart Times


All commandments related to the Sabbath, festivals, appointed times, and all other set-apart times.


4 - Sabbath
#5: Respect Your Father & Your Mother

“Respect your father and your mother, so that your days are prolonged upon the soil which YAHUAH your Elohim is giving you.” (Shem/Ex. 20:12)

We are commanded to respect our parents; this includes step-parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, in-laws, and (in some cases) older siblings. 


This command means that we listen to our parents, be obedient, speak respectfully, pay homage to them, deal kindly with them, and help them whenever possible.


We do not disrespect them; we do not speak harshly to them; we do not curse them; we do not shame them; we do not speak negatively to them or about them; and we do not ignore their needs.


This fifth command forms the bridge between the two tablets of the covenant—dealing with both man and Elohim. Respect for parents allows us to fully appreciate our relationship with our Heavenly Father. If we establish the proper parent-child relationship on earth, then we’ll view our relationship with YAHUAH in the proper perspective. We will be able to see Him more clearly as our Father, and that will lead us to the proper behavior towards Him.


YAHUAH worked through our parents to create us. Our parents contributed to our physical form and YAHUAH molded us and gave us life, a spirit. Adoptive parents, step-parents, foster parents, etc.—they too play a role in creating us by providing for us and helping us become who we are.  When we gratefully acknowledge our parents’ role in making us who we are, our thanksgiving will naturally flow to our Heavenly Father Who is the Master of Creation.


It is true that not everyone has the best parents. We do not have to always agree with them, and we don’t have to accept or excuse the wrong things they may do, but we do have to respect. It is possible to disagree in a respectful manner.


Above all else, we must be there for our parents if they need us. They played a significant role in our very existence and they should be treated respectfully and with honor for their very important role. If we do so, YAHUAH will reward us with a good, long life in the prosperous reign that He gives us. If we break this command, we will not have a good and long life…in other words, our life may be shortened and we may face problems and difficulties. A curse may also be upon us: ‘Cursed is he who makes light of his father or his mother.’ (Deb/Deut. 27:16)   [to make light: to esteem lightly; to show contempt for; dishonor]

Category: Respect for Parents and Teachers


This category includes all commandments regarding proper treatment of parents, teachers, elders, leaders, etc.


5 - Respect Parents
#6: Do Not Murder

“You do not murder.”  (Shem/Ex. 20:13)

We do not intentionally take the life of another human being.


Every human life comes from YAHUAH. Man is made in the image of Elohim, and therefore, murder is killing the image and creation of Elohim (Ber. 9:6).  Jewish teachers explain it this way: imagine a king who visits a township under his rule. He puts up signs, posters, and statues of himself all over the town. Later, the townspeople tear down and burn all the pictures and bust all the statues. (Yes, in real life this would be good because it fights idolatry...but just to paint a picture...) 


When the townspeople burn pictures and break down statues it is a direct insult to their king. So too murder is an insult to Elohim. When a person commits murder, he is destroying the likeness of Elohim.  This is why this command corresponds to the first command (Belief in Elohim). If we truly believe that YAHUAH is the Creator, the Giver and Sustainer of Life, then we will never be able to take another’s life.


Murder, however, is not only the actual taking of another’s physical life. Murder also includes anything that may cause ‘blood to drain from the face’, such as embarrassment or public shaming. We are not to do these to another person. We would be murdering a person’s dignity, giving him a feeling of worthlessness. No one created in the image of Elohim should have this feeling within him. Speak only kindness to one another.


In addition, we cannot ever turn away someone asking for help if it is within our power and means to help. Not only will that person be shamed for asking but denying him help will be as denying him a means of living.Love your neighbor as yourself. If we would want someone to help us when we're in need, then we must help someone else. Anything less can be murder.


Category: Prohibition of Physically Harming a person


6 - Murder
#7: Do Not Commit Adultery

“You do not commit adultery.”  (Shem/Ex. 20:14)

Adultery is any violation of the marital bond between a husband and wife.  It is any sexual or physical relationship with someone who is not our marriage partner. 


All laws that prohibit sexual immorality and all laws of forbidden relationships fall under the category of this command.  The key to obeying all of them is to first control our thoughts.  We must constantly keep our thoughts under control and not think of another in an improper manner.  The same way we control who enters our home through the front door, we also control what thoughts enter our mind.  Destructive thoughts that lead to sin must stay out!  Fill your mind with the good!  


Replace negative thoughts with the positive. Study Scripture. Commit verses to memory. Think about helping others and find ways to carry it out. Proper thoughts lead to proper actions.


At the same time that we’re working on controlling our thoughts, we should also be careful how we form relationships with members of the opposite sex.  Even communication can sometimes cross the line.  We should look to our spouse first for any emotional support and share personal conversation only with him or her.  Seeking another person (especially of the opposite sex) for emotional support can lead to temptation and then to sin. Guard yourself from these.


On a spiritual level, adultery is the violation of our relationship with YAHUAH.  At Shavuot, YAHUAH gave us His Torah which is the marriage contract.  If we sin (disobey His Laws), then we break the marriage contract by committing spiritual adultery.  Sin shows infidelity—unfaithfulness—to our Bridegroom.


Category: Prohibition of Sexual Immorality (all Forbidden Relationships)

7 - Adultery
#8: Do Not Steal

 “You do not steal.”  (Shem/Ex. 20:15)

Taking anything (or anyone) that that does not belong to us without permission, especially dishonestly, wrongfully, or secretly, is stealing. Even if we think nobody will care or nobody will notice or if it’s only worth a penny—if it is not ours, and we take it without permission, it is stealing.  Always 'sweat the small stuff' (worry about the little things) and ask first.  Never use deceit or secrecy to obtain anything—anything!—that is not rightfully yours.


Teh/Ps. 24:1  The earth belongs to YAHUAH, And all that fills it – The world and those who dwell in it.


Teh/Ps. 115:16  The heavens are the heavens of YAHUAH; But He has given the earth to the children of men.


All things belong to the Almighty ELOHIM, and He gives to whom He wills. Stealing is undoing what YAHUAH has bestowed; it is going against His will. It is complete disregard for His Hand in the lives of man.


Stealing also shows that we don’t trust in the Most High. If we truly believe that He is our Provider and our life is in His Hand, then we wouldn’t steal. We would understand that everything we have in our life is according to His will and everything we don’t have is also according to His will.  Stealing is unbelief and fear in action, showing that we don’t trust YAHUAH to meet our needs and give us good things in our life.


Category: Prohibition of Theft


Way/Lev 19:11 "Do not steal, do not lie, do not deceive one another."

8 - Stealing
#9: Do Not Bear False Witness

“You do not bear false witness against your neighbour." (Shem/Ex. 20:16)​

Basically, tell the truth always. As said under commandment #4, we are witnesses of YAHUAH (Yesh. 43:10).  If we represent Him, we must do so in truth. 


Category: Prohibition of Harming a Person through Speech


This category includes all forms of lashon hara—evil speech.  Do not gossip, and do not slander. Do not speak negatively to or about anyone, even if it is true. Gossip (no matter how true) harms the person speaking, the person listening, and the person spoken about. There is much power in speech. Speaking negatively can actually work in the spiritual realm to cause that person to be even more inclined to act in that negative manner. Speak only the truth, and keep your speech positive—at all times.


Teh/Ps. 34:13  Keep your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deceit.


Mish/Pro. 18:21  Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those loving it eat its fruit.


Teh/Ps. 39:1  I have said,“Let me guard my ways against sinning with my tongue; Let me guard my mouth with a muzzle, While the wrongdoer is before me.”


Mish/Pro. 21:23  Whoever guards his mouth and tongue guards his life from distresses.

9 - False Witness
#10: Do Not Covet

“You do not covet your neighbour’s house, you do not covet your neighbour’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, or whatever belongs to your neighbour.”  (Shem/Ex. 20:17)

Covet means to desire something (or someone) without regard for the rights of others.


Covetous means eager to possess that to which one has no right.


Anything that belongs to another person, we are not allowed to covet. If it is not ours, we cannot desire it.  We cannot desire any object that another person owns, nor any person that is specifically in somebody else's life (spouse, relative, close friend, etc.).  Covetousness means that we do not respect the rights of others, and this disregard, left unchecked, can lead to other actions such as stealing and adultery.


This commandment is obeyed in our thoughts and attitudes more than in our actions. YAHUAH requires righteousness from us, and righteousness cannot just be outward motions.  It must be deep within us—in our inward parts.  We cannot have fleshly ways such as jealousy, envy, or covetousness—no selfish desires or lusts. 


YAHUAH is in complete control of our life.  He places everything (and everyone) He wills into our life at the proper time. Whatever is not in our life is either something not meant for us to have or it’s not the right time for us to have it. YAHUAH is a Perfect Father. If we covet, we do not truly believe that our Father is perfect and that He is in complete control of our life.


Give YAHUAH thanks for everything and trust that He is a perfect Father: 

"I thank You YAHUAH for all that You have placed in my life. I know that everything I have in my life is according to Your will and everything I don't have is also according to Your will. Those things I don't have will only hinder the work that You are doing in Me at this time. You will give Me all that I need in it's proper time, for You are a Good and Perfect Father. Thank You YAH! So be it."


If we control our thoughts for good, productive purposes, then there will be no time to think of what someone else has that we don’t. If YAHUAH blesses somebody with something good, be happy for that person and rejoice with him. Praise Elohim together for what He's done. If a covetous thought pops up, then stop and give thanks: "Thank You YAHUAH for giving (--name--) this wonderful blessing of (--whatever--)." 


If we're too busy thanking and praising, then there will be no room for covetousness. If we avoid covetous thoughts, then we’ll avoid a whole lot of bitterness, resentment, anger, disappointment, and undue stress. We cannot try to ‘keep up’ with everybody else. We cannot live our lives according to what everybody else has or does. If we keep our eyes on YAHUAH—obeying His word—then He will provide all our need, bless us bountifully, and give us the desire of our heart.


Teh/Ps. 37:1-9  Do not fret because of evil-doers, Do not be envious of the workers of unrighteousness. For they soon wither like grass, And fade like green plants. Trust in YAHUAH, and do good; Dwell in the earth, and feed on steadfastness. And delight yourself in YAHUAH, And let Him give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to YAHUAH, And trust in Him, and He does it. And He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, And your right-ruling as midday. Rest in YAHUAH, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man doing wicked devices. Abstain from displeasure, and forsake wrath; Do not fret, also to do evil. For evil-doers are cut off; But those who wait on YAHUAH, They shall inherit the earth.

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