Hear the Word of YAHUAH:
“I Am YAHUAH your Elohim Who [is] speaking to you:
Be happy, My children, by doing what is right in My eyes. Be as a child, not grown up in this sense. When you do as I say and do what’s right in My eyes, then I see to it that you are happy. I accept you as a child sitting on my lap. On My knees you sit. This is when your joy is complete.
You ask how can I do this? You live according to spirit and not according to the flesh. The flesh thinks and will to live in many times more than the spirit.
The spirit of a man shall be humble. With this humble spirit comes peace and with peace comes happiness. The haughtiness of a man is flesh - independent of Me and doing what is right in his own eyes. You must be humble in your heart with total submission to me. I must be your everything.
I give to you free will to choose, and I set it before you everyday. You choose what is right regardless of your flesh, and let your spirit lead you.
I am with those who choose Me, and My Name is within their hearts. The transformation begins when I choose you to walk with Me.
Remember that I chose you, and you agreed to come and walk with Me. Then, we built a Father-daughter relationship. You had a love for your earthly father that was for Me, and My heart swelled for your love. Then, I brought you to Me, and you became Mine.
As I removed all idols from your midst, you became clean as a child being cleansed from playing in the mud puddle. The cleaner you got, the closer I got to you.
The dream I gave to you was very current and real. The dream of your sitting on My lap as a child sits on her father’s lap, that is the closest any flesh gets to Me. When I say flesh, meaning you were still alive.
You were happy and comforted because complete peace was over you, and you had no cares or worries. You could not see My Face because I wanted you to live to tell others about My wonders in your life.
I Am the Sovereign of the universe, the Most High over everything. I am in total control of everyone’s existence. It is I Who causes death, and it is I Who sustains the living.
Complete joy and happiness comes from within the soul, and if the soul belongs to Me, then let it belong to Me and cause it to worship Me. Let Your soul feel My Presence. Let your soul hear your praises of Me. Then, as you praise Me with a humble heart, I draw near.
With Me is joy. With Me there is great peace. With Me is life everlasting. I am somebody, and you are somebody.
Happiness comes with peace. Peace in the mind, and peace in the heart. Truth is peace and joy. Always spread the truth for I am with you to give you peace and joy.
I Am a Father to the fatherless which means if you are without Me, then you are without a father.
You are no longer fatherless because I Am the Greatest Father a child can want. You see, I am the Father that cannot die and leave you, but the Father that is with you forever. I will never leave you nor forsake you when you choose in your heart My Name and yearn for Me, then I Am with you.
Be comforted, My children. Be comforted, and be at peace. There is nothing that I can’t do. I Am able to build you up. I Am able to mend the broken or torn hearts. I Am able to strengthen the weak knees. I am able to heal the sick body. I am able to place love and peace in the heart. I am life, and I give you life. With life comes your joy and peace.
Be comforted, My children, be comforted. I am your Father.”