Our Journey, Part 1

Bless YAHUAH, the Blessed One, for all eternity. We give Him the praise now and forever. HalleluYah! He is truly the Greatest!
We started our walk as a family in 1990. On our journey, we had to walk away from Christianity and learn the truth.
In the beginning and throughout most of the journey, converting to Judaism wasn't something we considered, nor did it even come to mind. We saw how YAHUAH was directing our path, and we simply followed Him step-by-step not entirely knowing where we would end up.
It was several years later when I realized that the YAHUAH was leading us to become part of the chosen people. A series of connected events and dreams showed that YAHUAH was drawing us to become His people, and He was setting us up to be an instrument in uniting His people.
March to Tsiyon
In the fall of 1995, at the time of Sukkot, Michael and I (Ruth) went to Israel along with our son Benjamin. The one important thing that happened to us in Israel was the march on Tsiyon.
During that march, something very spiritual happened. I felt like a heavy weight was placed upon my shoulders. I didn't know what it was or what was happening, so I just did what I had to do - keep walking. I had to finish the march.
Michael and I were the last to come in. Actually, I was the last to come in. Everyone passed us along the way, and I was the last person on the road to finish. I was dragging at the end. Michael had to slow down and stop to wait for me over and over again. We finally finished about two hours later than everyone else. Nevertheless, we finished the march.
Before we left, in a vision, Elohim gave me water to drink. I had an unquenchable thirst for the entire week. Then finally, at the end of the march, in a vision, YAHUAH gave me water, and my thirst ended.
Messengers and a Promise
Years later, after we came to the truth of the Father's Name, YAHUAH gave me a dream. In the dream, He showed me how I was finishing the march on Tsiyon. I saw myself dragging along on my toes. I saw two very big Messengers - one Messenger was on my right, and the other on my left. They were slowly carrying me as I was finishing the march.
Then, the dream transitioned to a different segment and then to another. These segments kept going until I saw two silver trumpets blowing, and then after that, there were fireworks.
The fireworks going off in the sky seemed like a holiday of some sort. It was a burst of joy, a celebration.
At the conclusion of the dream, there was a man seated at the end of the table. This man made a promise, and I heard him say, “I am going to give them three million dollars.”
The United House of Yisrael
In another dream, I saw the heavy weight that I was carrying spiritually. It was a beam, a long, heavy piece of wood used to support a structure. In this dream, the beam was yellow with the Name of YAHUAH written on it.
Some time later, YAHUAH inspired me to construct a booth, a small structure that represented the whole House of Yisrael. In the center of the booth was a beam holding up the structure. The beam had the number 14 on it which meant it was going to take 14 years to complete the full meaning.
It has been a long journey. In Jerusalem in 1995, I carried the spiritual beam that would support the House of Yisrael. As revealed and confirmed by the dream about 15 years later, it was not me alone carrying it, but the messengers of YAHUAH supporting me and helping me to finish the journey.
YAHUAH chose me (and helped me) to carry the beam because we were going to be instrumental in uniting His House. There was a promise of blessing because He will provide for us to do His work in bringing His people back. After about 24 years, my understanding was made complete. It has been a very long journey indeed.
YAHUAH was bringing us back from falsehood to the truth in order to unite His House - His set-apart people (the returning ones) and the Jewish people. Together, we become one nation - two becoming one.
YAHUAH has always desired His nation to be one, to be united. Many of His people were dispersed throughout the world, and many lost their identity as Yisrael. YAHUAH is desiring to bring His people back.
These returning ones are set-apart to YAHUAH. Through our journey returning to YAHUAH, YAH has taught us and helped us make a way for the returning ones. He will use us to help His people come back to Him; thus, uniting the House of Yisrael.
The beam that holds the house together is the Name of YAHUAH. Though we, the set-apart ones, may not identify as Jews, we are all Yahudim, worshippers of YAH.
Yahudah and Yisrael shall come together, and we shall worship and make offerings praise, thanksgiving, and esteem to the Almighty.
An era of Peace shall come to mankind.
There shall be peace & showers of blessings! HalleluYAH!
YirmeYahu/Jeremiah 33:11-15 "the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who are saying, “Praise יהוה of hosts, for יהוה is good, for His kindness is forever,” of those who are bringing the offering of praise into the House of יהוה. For I shall turn back the captivity of the land, as at the first,’ declares יהוה.
(12) “Thus said יהוה of hosts, ‘In this place which is dried up, without man and without beast, and in all its cities, there shall once again be a home of shepherds causing their flocks to lie down.
(13) ‘In the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the low country, and in the cities of the South, and in the land of Binyamin, and in the places around Yerushalayim, and in the cities of Yehudah, the flocks once again pass under the hands of him who counts them,’ declares יהוה.
(14) ‘See, the days are coming,’ declares יהוה, ‘when I shall establish the good word which I have promised to the house of Yisra’el and to the house of Yehudah:
(15) ‘In those days and at that time I cause a Branch of righteousness to spring forth for Dawid. And He shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth."
Yehezqel/Ezekiel 34:24-31 “And I, יהוה, shall be their Elohim, and My servant Dawid a prince in their midst. I, יהוה, have spoken. “And I shall make a covenant of peace with them, and make evil beasts cease from the land. And they shall dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the forest. “And I shall make them and the places all around My hill a blessing, and shall cause showers to come down in their season – showers of blessing they are. “And the trees of the field shall yield their fruit and the earth yield her increase, and they shall be safe in their land. And they shall know that I am יהוה, when I have broken the bars of their yoke. And I shall deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them, and they shall no longer be a prey for the gentiles, and the beast of the earth shall not devour them. And they shall dwell safely, with no one to make them afraid. “And I shall raise up for them a planting place of name, and they shall no longer be consumed by hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the gentiles any more. “And they shall know that I, יהוה their Elohim, am with them, and that they, the house of Yisra’el, are My people,” declares the Master יהוה.’ ” “And you, My flock, the flock of My pasture, are men, and I am your Elohim,” declares the Master יהוה.’ ”